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Peer-Reviewed Journal

Leading-author Publications

1. Z. Dong, Y. Jiao, Y.Hao, P. Wang, J. Shi, W. An, C. Chichtrakar, S. Black, L.J. Lee, M. Li, Y. Fan,L. Chang*, On-Chip Multiplexed Single-cell Pattern and ControllableIntracellular Delivery. Microsystem and Nanoengineering, 2019. DOI:10.1138/s41378-019-0112-z.   (IF: 5.6)
2. L. Chang, Y. Wang, F.Ershad, R. Yang, C. Yu, Y. Fan, Wearable Devices for Single Cell Sensing andTransfection. Trends in Biotechnology, 2019, DOI:10.1016/j.tibtech.2019.04.001. (IF: 13.7)
3. Y. Zhu, J. Shen, L.Yin, X. Wei, F. Chen, M. Zhong, Z. Gu, Y. Xie, W. Jin, Z. Liu, C. Chitrakar, L.Chang, Directly photopatterning of polycaprolactone-derived photocured resin byUV-initiated thiol-ene “click” reaction: Enhanced mechanical property and excellentbiocompatibility. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 366, 112-122. (IF:8.4)
4. X. Wei, J. Shen, Z.Gu, Y. Zhu, F. Chen, M. Zhong, L. Yin, Y. Xie, Z. Liu, W. Jin, M. Nouri, L.Chang, Bioinspired pH-Sensitive Surface on Bioinert Substrate, ACS Applied BioMaterials. 2018, 1, 2167-2175. (IF: 3.3)
5. F. Chen, Y. Zhu, W.Li, J. Yang, P. Fan, M. Zhong, L. Chang*, Tairong Kuang*, Light-triggeredpH/Thermal Multi-Sensitive Polyelectrolyte/ITO Glass Hybrid Electrode. AppliedSurface Science. 2019, 464, 273-279. (IF: 5.2)
6. W. Bai, T. Kuang, C.Chitrakar, R. Yang, S. Li, D. Zhu, L. Chang*, Patchable Micro/nanodeviceInteracting With Skin. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2018, 122, 189-204. (IF:9.5)
7. H. Suo, Z. Wang, G.Dai, J. Fu, J. Yin*, L. Chang*, Polyacrylonitrile Nerve Conduits with InnerLongitudinal Micro-Grooves Enhance Neuron Directional Outgrowth. IEEE Journalof Microelectromechanical Systems. 2018, 27, 457 – 463 (IF: 2.6)
8. D. Li, Z. Wan, Y.Jiao, X. Ouyang, L. Chang*, X. Wang*, Bifunctional MoS2 coatedmelamine-formaldehyde Sponges for Efficient Oil-Water Separation andWater-Soluble Dye Removal. Applied Materials Today, 2017, 9, 551 -559. (IF:8.0)
9. W. Li, T. Kuang, X.Jiang, J. Yang, P. Fan, Z. Zhao, Z. Fei, M. Zhong, L. Chang*, F. Chen*,Photoresponsive Polyelectrolyte/Mesoporous Silica Hybrid Materials withRemote-Controllable Ionic Transportation. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017.322, 445- 453. (IF: 8.4)
10. D. Gallego-Perez†, D.Pal†, S. Ghatak†, V. Malkoc, N. Higuita-Castro, S. Gnyawali, L. Chang, W. Liao,J. Shi, M. Sinha, K. Singh, E. Steen, A. Sunyecz, R. Stewart, J. Moore, T.Ziebro, R. Northcutt, M. Homsy, P. Bertani, W. Lu, S. Roy, S. Khanna, C. Rink,V.B. Sundaresan, J. Otero, L.J. Lee*, C.K. Sen*, Topical tissue nano-transfectionmediates non-viral stroma reprogramming and rescue. Nature Nanotechnology.2017, 12, 974-979 (IF: 33.4)
11. L. Chang, F. Chen, X.Zhang, T. Kuang, M. Li, J. Hu, J. Shi, L.J. Lee, H. Chen, Y. Li, SyntheticMelanin E-ink. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2017, 9,16553-16560.
12. T. Kuang#, L.Chang#*, X. Peng, X. Hu, D. Gallego-perez, Molecular beacon nano-sensorsprobing living cancer cells. Trends in Biotechnology. 2017, 35, 347-359. (IF:13.7)
13. L. Chang, L. Li, J.Shi, Y. Sheng, W. Lu, D. Gallego-Perez, L.J. Lee. Micro-/nano-scaleelectroporation. Lab Chip. 2016, 16, 4047-4062 (IF: 6.9)
14. L. Chang, D.Gallego-perez, C. Chiang, P. Bertani, T. Kuang, F. Chen, Y. Sheng, Z. Chen, J.Shi, H. Yang, V. Malkoc, W. Lu, L.J. Lee, Controllable Large-scale Transfectionof Primary Mammalian Cardiomyocytes on a Nanochannel Array Platform. Small.2016, 12, 5971-5980.
Cover Story(IF: 10.9)
15. D. Gallego-Perez#, L.Chang#, J. Shi, J. Ma, S.H. Kim, X. Zhao, V. Malkoc, X. Wang, M. Minata, K.J.Kwak, Y. Wu, G. Lafyatis, W. Lu, D.J. Hansford, I. Nakano, L.J. Lee, On-chipclonal analysis of glioma stem cells motility and therapy resistance. NanoLetters. 2016, 16, 5326-5332. (IF: 12.3)
16. L. Chang, P. Bertani,D. Gallego-Perez, Z. Yang, C.L. Chiang, V. Malkoc, L.J. Lee, W. Lu. 3Dnanochannel electroporation for high-throughput cell transfection with highuniformity and dosage control. Nanoscale. 2016, 8, 243-252. (ESI Highly citedpaper) (Cover Story) (Annual HOT Article) (IF: 7.0)
17. L. Chang, J. Hu, F.Chen, J. Shi, Z. Yang, Y. Li, L.J. Lee, Nanoscale bio-platforms for living cellinterrogation: current status and future perspectives. Nanoscale. 2016, 8,3138-3206. (IF: 7.0)
18. T. Kuang#, L. Chang#,F. Chen, Y. Sheng, D. Fu, X. Peng, Facile preparation of lightweighthigh-strength biodegradable polymer nanocomposite foams for electromagneticinterference shielding. Carbon. 2016, 105, 305-313. (ESI Highly cited paper)(IF: 7.5)
19. L. Chang, M.Howdyshell, W. Liao, C. Chiang, D. Gallego-Perez, Z. Yang, J. Byrd, L. Wu, N.Muthusamy, L.J. Lee. R. Sooryakumar. Magnetic tweezer based 3Dmicro-electroporation system for high throughput transfection in living cells.Small. 2015, 11, 1818-1828. (ESI Highly cited paper) (IF: 10.9)
20. L. Chang, D.Gallego-Perez, X. Zhao, P. Bertani, Z. Yang, C.L. Chiang,   V. Malkoc, C.K.Sen, L. Odonnell, J. Yu, W. Lu, L.J. Lee. Dielectrophoresis-assisted 3DNanoelectroporation for Non-viral Cell Transfection in Adoptive Immunotherapy.Lab Chip. 2015, 15, 3147 – 3153. (Annual HOT Article) (IF: 6.9)
21. Z. Yang#, L. Chang#,C. Chiang, L.J. Lee. Micro-/nano-electroporation for active gene delivery.Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2015, 21, 6081-6088. (IF: 2.4)
22. P. Bertani#, L.Chang#, D. Gallego-Perez, C. Chiang, R. Muthusamy, L.J. Lee, W. Lu, Boschetching for the creation of a 3D nano-electroporation system. Journal of VacuumScience & Technology B. 2015. 33, 06F903. (IF: 1.3)
23. L. Chang, C. Liu, Y.He, H. Xiao, X. Cai, Small-volume Solution Current-Time Behavior Study forApplication in Reverse Iontophoresis based Non-invasive Blood GlucoseMonitoring, Science China-Chemistry, 2011, 54, 223-230. (IF: 6.1)
24. Y. Sheng, L. Chang*,J. Hu, T. Kuang, PEG/heparin decorated lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles for long-circulatingdrug delivery. RSC Advances. 2016. 6, 23279-23287. (IF: 3.0)
25. V. Malkoc, L. Chang*,Applications of Electrospun Nanofibers in Neural Tissue Engineering. EuropeanJournal of BioMedical Research. 2015, 3, 25-29.

Other Co-author Publications

1. J. Ju, X. Peng, K.Huang, L. Li, X. Liu, C. Chitrakar, L. Chang, Z. Gu, T. Kuang, High-performanceporous PLLA-based scaffolds for bone tissue engineering: Preparation,characterization, and in vitroand in vivo evaluation, Polymer, 2019, 180,121707. (IF: 3.7)
2. Z. Zhou, F. Chen, T.Kuang, L. Chang, J. Yang, P. Fan, Z. Zhao, M. Zhong, Lignin-derived mesoporouscarbon and NiO hybrid nanosphere with exceptional Li-ion battery andpseudocapacitive properties, Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 274, 288 -297. (IF:5.4)
3. F. Chen, Z. Zhou, L.Chang, T. Kuang, Z. Zhao, P. Fan, J. Yang, M. Zhong, Synthesis andCharacterization of Lignosulfonate-Derived Hierarchical Porous GraphiticCarbons for Electrochemical Performances. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials.2017, 247, 184-189. (IF: 4.2)
4. T. Kuang, F. Chen, L.Chang, X. Peng, X. Gong, Facile Preparation of Open-cellular Porous Poly(L-lactic acid) Scaffold by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Foaming for TissueEngineering Applications. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 307, 1017-1025.(IF: 8.4) (一区Top)
5. T. Kuang, L. Chang,D. Fu, J. Yang, M. Zhong, F. Chen, X. Peng, Improved Crystallizability andProcessability of Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene Modified by Poly(amido amine) Dendrimers, Polymer Engineering & Science. 2016, 57, 153-160.(IF: 1.9)
6. T. Kuang, F. Chen, D.Fu, L. Chang, X. Peng, L.J. Lee, Enhanced Strength and Foamability ofHigh-Density Polyethylene Prepared by Pressure-Induced Flow and Low-TemperatureCrosslinking. RSC Advance. 2016, 6, 34422-24427. (IF: 3.0)
7. K. Gao, X. Huang,C.L. Chiang, X. Wang, L. Chang, P. Boukany, G. Marcucci, R. Lee, L.J. Lee,Induced Apoptosis Investigation in Wild–Type and FLT3-ITD Acute MyeloidLeukemia Cells by Nanochannel Electroporation and Single Cell qRT-PCR,Molecular Therapy, 2016, 24, 956-964. (IF: 8.4) (一区Top)
8. Z. Chen, A. Zhang, Z.Yang, X. Wang, L. Chang, Z. Chen, L.J. Lee, Application of DODMA andDerivatives in Cationic Nanocarriers for Gene Delivery, Current OrganicChemistry, 2016, 20, 1813-1819. (IF: 2.1)
9. F. Chen, X. Jiang, T.Kuang, L. Chang, D. Fu, J. Yang, P. Fan, M. Zhong. Polyelectrolyte/MesoporousSilica Hybrid Materials for High Performance Multiple-Detection of pH Value andTemperature. Polymer Chemistry. 2015, 6, 3529 -3536. (IF: 4.8)
10. R. Sun, L. Chang, L.Li. Manufacturing polymeric micro lens and self-organised micro lens arrays byusing microfluidic dispensers. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering.2015, 25, 115012 -115222. (IF: 1.8)
11. T. Kuang, D. Fu, L.Chang, Z. Yang, J. Yang, P. Fan, M. Zhong, F. Chen, X. Peng, EnhancedPhotocatalysis of Yittium-doped TiO2/D-PVA Composites: Degradation of MethylOrange (MO) and PVC Film. Science of Advanced Materials. 2016, 8, 1286-1292.(IF: 1.2)
12. F. Chen, X. Jiang, T.Kuang, L. Chang, D. Fu, Z. Yang, J. Yang, P. Fan, Z. Fei, M. Zhong, Effect ofNanoporous Structure and Polymer Brushes on the Ionic Conductivity ofPoly(methacrylic acid)/Anode Aluminum Oxide Hybrid Membrane, RSC Advances,2015, 5, 70204-70210. (IF: 3.0)
13. Z. Chen, Y. Yang, Z.Yang, J. Hu, T. Xu, L. Chang, L.J. Lee, C. Sheng, Z. Chen, Preparation andcharacterization of vacuum insulation panels with super-stratified glass fibercore material. Energy. 2015, 93, 945-954. (IF: 5.5) (一区Top)
14. T. KuangD. FuL. Chang, Z. Yang, Z. Chen, L. Jin, F. Chen, X.Peng. Recent Progress in Dendrimer-based Gene Delivery Systems. Current OrganicChemistry. 2015. 20, 1820-1826. (IF: 2.1)
15. M. Li, B. Li, X.Zhang, Y. Song, L. Chang, Y. Chen, Investigation of the phase fluctuationeffect on the BER performance of DPSK space downlink optical communicationsystem on fluctuation channel, Optics Communications, 2016, 366, 248-252. (IF:1.9)
16. M. Li, B. Li, Y.Song, X. Zhang, L. Chang, J. Liu, Investigation of Costas loop synchronizationeffect on BER performance of space uplink optical communication system with BPSKscheme, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2015, 7, 7902309. (IF: 2.7)
17. M. Li, W. Jiao, X.Liu, Y. Song, L. Chang, A method for peak seeking of BOTDR based on theincomplete brillouin spectrum, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2015,7, 7102110. (IF:2.7)
18. M. Li, W. Jiao, Y.Song, X. Zhang, L. Chang, Self-adaptive high anti-radiation EDFA for spaceoptical communication systems. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2015, 33, 4513- 4516. (IF: 4.2)
19. K. Gao, L. Li, L. He,K. Hinkle, Y. Wu, J. Ma, L. Chang, X. Zhao, D. Gallego-Perez, S. Eckardt, J.Mclaughlin, B. Liu, D.F. Farson, L.J. Lee. Design of aMicrochannel-Nanochannel-Microchannel Array Based Nanoelectroporation Systemfor Precise Gene Transfection, Small, 2014, 10, 1015-1023. (IF: 10.9)
20. P. Xie, P. He, Y.-C.Yen, K.J. Kwak, D. Gallego-Perez, L. Chang, W.-C. Liao, A. Yi, L.J. Lee. Rapidhot embossing of polymer microstructures using carbide-bonded graphene coatingon silicon stampers. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2014, 258, 174-180.(IF: 3.2)
21. H. Xiao, L. Chang, Q.Yang, Y. He, X. Cai, Development and experiment of a Glucose Monitor usingnoninvasive transdermal extraction, Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument,2010, 31, 2796-2802.
22. Y. He, H. Xiao, L.Chang, C. Liu, X. Cai, Design of a Low-power Non-invasive Glucose Monitor andTest of Its Performance, Chinese Journal Sensors and Actuators, 2010, 23,903-907.
23. J. Wang, M. Su, J.Qi, L. Chang, Sensitivity and complex impedance of nanometer zirconia thickfilm humidity sensors, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2009, 139,418-424.   (IF: 6.4)