
博士后 -王玉琼

Yuqiong Wang Ph.D

王玉琼 博士

E-mail: yuqwang@bjmu.edu.cn

Educational Experience

Graduated from the 8-year medical education program of Shandong University , which can be divided into 3 parts

  • 2010.09 - 2015.06

    Degree: Bachelor of Medicine

    Major: Clinical medicine

  • 2015.07 to 2018.06

    Degree: Doctor &Master ofMedicine

    Major: Gynaecology and Obstetrics

    Department: Department of Gynaecology andObstetrics, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University

    Supervisor: Prof. DrKong Beihua & Prof Liu Zhaojian

    Degree Thesis: miR-130a upregulates mTORpathway by targeting TSC1 and is transactivated by NF-kappa B in high-gradeserous ovarian carcinoma

Work Experience

  • 2020.11 - Now

    Research Fellow, The School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University

  • 2018.08 - 2020.10

    Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Peking University First Hospital

Clinical Experience

  • 2014.06 - 2016.06

    Intern student, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan, China

  • 2018.08 - 2020.10

    First-line doctor (standardized training), Peking University FirstHospital, Beijing, China

  • 2017.11

    Passed the NationalMedical Licensing Examination

Research Skills

  1. In vitro cell culture: tumor cell culture techniques. (including dissection, purification and culture, CCK-8, MTT, Transwell assay, Clonogenic assay, Soft agar colony formationassay, Cell cycle analysis).

  2. Molecular biology: Real-time PCR, Western Blot, Elisa, DNA/RNA and Protein extraction andpurification, Ch-IP, Lentiviral vectorconstruction, viral production and infection, HE staining and Immunohistochemistry, Luciferase reporter assay, Autophagy flux assay.

  3. Animal techniques: Invivo nude mice tumorigenesis and metastasis assay, ovary dissection, ovary primary injection, ovary culture in vitro.

  4. Clinical experiment: some experiences of Gynaecology and Obstetrics surgery operation. (including hysteroscopy, colposcope etc) .

  5. Data analysis:Statistical analysis with SPSS, GO analysis and Pathway analysis

  6. Specific skills:

  • The establishment of patient-derivedorganoid;

  • The skills of embryonic stem cells dissection, purification and culture

  • Intracytoplasmic sperminjection, embryo culture.


  1. Wang Yuqiong, Zhang Xiyu, Tang Wei, Lin Zhenghong, Xu Limei, Dong Ruifen,   Li Yinuo, Li Jieyin,   Zhang Zaixin, Li Xiangzhi, Zhao Ling; WeiJian Jun, Shao Changshun, Kong Beihua; Liu Zhaojian*miR-130a upregulates mTOR pathway by targeting TSC1and is transactivated by NF-kappa B in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma,Cell Death and Differentiation   (IF=8.339

  2. Wang Yuqiong, Sheng Wang, XilinQian, Yanrong Kuai,   Yang Xu* The inclusion principles of human embryos inthe WOW based Time-lapse system: a retrospective cohort study, FrontiersIF=3.63)

  3. WangYuqiong, Wang Siqi, Li Yinuo, Li Jieyin, Liu Zhaojian, Wang Yuqiong*. miR-130a promotes theactivation of primordial follicles through upregulates mTOR pathway. (IF=5.03)

  4. Wang Siqi,#Wang Yuqiong,# Xu Jinming, Chen Yuxin*, Is the oralcontraceptive or hormone replacement therapy a risk factor for cholelithiasis Asystematic review and meta-analysis, Medicine, 2017, 96(14): e6556.IF=2.01)

  5. ZhangQing, Li Yinuo, Miao Chunying, Wang Yugiong, Xu Ying, Dong Ruifen, ZhangZhiwei, Griffin Brannan*, Anti-angiogenesis effect of Neferine via regulatingautophagy and polarization of tumor-associated macrophages in high-grade serousovarian carcinoma, Cancer Letters, 2018, 432: 144-155. IF= 6.508)

  6. TianXiaoxue, Song Jianping, Zhang Xiyu, Yan Mingyao, Wang Shourong, Wang Yuqiong, Xu Limei, Zhao Ling, Wei Jian-Jun, Shao Changshun, Kong Beihua, LiuZhaojian (2020). MYC-regulated pseudogene HMGA1P6 promotes ovarian cancermalignancy via augmenting the oncogenic HMGA1/2. Cell Death Dis, 11(3), 167. DOI:10.1038/s41419-020-2356-9 IF= 5.959)

  7. Li Yinuo, Lu Shuhua, Xu Ying, Qiu Chunping, Jin Chengjuan, WangYuqiong, Liu Zhaojian, Kong Beihua*, Overexpression of CD47 predicts poorprognosis and promotes cancer cell invasion in high-grade serous ovariancarcinoma, American Journal of Translational Research, 2017, 9 (6): 2901-+.IF=2.829)

  8. Xu Limei, Zhang Xiyu, Li Yinuo, Lu Shuhua, Lu Shan, Li Jieyin, Wang Yuqiong, Tian Xiaoxue; Wei Jian jun, Shao Changshun, Liu Zhaojian*, Neferine inducesautophagy of human ovarian cancer cells via p38 MAPK/ JNK activation, TumorBiology, 2016, 37(7): 8721-8729.IF=2.518)

Foundation (host)

  • 2020.1~2022.12

    A study on the promotion mechanism of miR-130a in the activation ofprimordial follicles; National Natural Science Foundation of China (host)

  • 2019.1~2020.12

    The role of non-coding RNA in the development of diminished ovarian reserve; Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation (host)


  • 2013.06, First prize of “National Science and technology innovationprogram for college students” as captain;

  • 2014.10, First prize of “The 3rd College Student Innovation Forum and ExperimentalDesign Competition” as captain;

  • 2015.06, First prize of “ The Fourteenth Challenge Cup of nationalcollege students” as captain;

  • 2013.05, Third Prize of “The 3rd energy-savingtechnological innovation competition” as team member” as captain

  • 2015.05, First prize of “The 6th energy-saving technological innovationcompetition” as team member;


  • 2017.12: Outstanding Graduates Awards

  • 2015.12: The SecondAcademic Scholarship

  • 2014.12: Research andinnovation scholarship

  • 2012.12: National Scholarship for Encouragement  

  • 2012.06: The SecondAcademic Scholarship